السبت، 14 يونيو 2008

the general pattern

the general pattern

The General Pattern

To the outsider the general

picture may seem complicated and, perhaps, even completely inappropriate. What follows is an attempt to make it understandable by outlining the most important organisations, their connections with one another, their individual purpose and how they co-operate with one another

It will be helpful to refer to the diagram overleaf

Within the framework of this diagram a long list of activities on behalf of farmers is represented. They can be summarized under four main headings::Technical information and guidance

Farm supplies, processing and sales

Export promotion

Agricultural economy and policy

These headings can be related, to a considerable extent, with individual organisations. Broadly, technical information and guidance regarding production on the farms is undertaken by the Farmers' and Smallholders' own associations. Matters affecting farm supplies and production, processing and sales are primarily handled by the co-operative undertakings

Export promotion, in the broadest sense, is dealt with through the export boards and committees and the Agricultural Council of Denmark

Economic and political matters affect

ting the industry are dealt with by the farmers' and smallholders' unions, by the Central Co-operative Committee and the Agricultural Council

This allocation gives only a rough idea of the actual situation because the activities of the organisations in the different fields overlap

1n spite of divergent views, mainly concerning land and taxation, the collaboration and co-operation between farmers' unions and smallholders' unions have been good in recent years

Following Denmark's joining the European Common Market in 1973, good relations strengthened to such an extent that the Danish Smallholders' Unions again became a member of the Agricultural Council, as it was for a period in the 1930's

The Agricultural Council has therefore again becol11e completely representative of Danish agriculture's major organisations, as seen in the diagram

The two farmers' organisations aTC closely associated in other ways. Their members are largely identical with members of the various co-operative societies and aTC also represented on the export boards and committees

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